Apr 21, 2017
3 Reasons You Need to Know Your Measurements
Ever bought something, but wished that one thing was different so that it’ll fit just right? Here's 3 why reasons you need to know your

Mar 10, 2017
Did You Watch Our Fashion Show?
Happy Friday Family! February was a whirlwind. We had several showcase events, workshops, and multiple fashion shows. Our last fashion...

Feb 3, 2017
The History of Kente
Our favorite and most popular fabric is the traditional Ghanian Kente cloth. Did you know that these fabrics all have a meaning?

Jan 27, 2017
Bespoke Friday's
Happy Friday! We get this question a ton. What is bespoke? Bespoke simply means Custom Made. adjective be·spoke \bi-ˈspōk, bē-\ At...